Recent content by veggav

  1. V

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    it's a very nice trailer. The end message says "if god stays on his heaven everything on earth will be fine" Nice but the question stills: what is the name of the music ??
  2. V

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    I have this play form Carl Orff, by the way, I have everything from Carl Orff. It's not on De Temporum Fine Comoedia. :/ I hope somebody knows the name of this music. Thanks again.
  3. V

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    On youtube you can see the trailer. It was showed in a tv channel that don't exist anymore. I heard this music in the brazilian trailer of the movie Quills and in brazilian comercial of Angel (on Fox channel) Please can somebody tell me wich music is that ? Thanks