Recent content by slmz

  1. slmz

    Telus fish

    Thats Unbelievable!!!! Unstumpable.... I'm speechless. Thanks :D slmz
  2. slmz

    Telus fish

    No but its similar. The whole commercial is on a white background but there like 8 identical phones all different colours spinning like a pinwheel and zooming around. I've only caught a couple seconds of it a few times but the beat is catchy. Its a house dance beat but the synth is loud and...
  3. slmz

    Telus fish

    :blink: New cell phone commercial (might be something else that looks like phone). They show like 8 different colored phones all spinning and flipping. Music is techno dance with heavily distorted sounds. Very in your face! <_< Thanks Slmz ps. great site