Recent content by roitos

  1. R

    CSI Season 1

    csi music, the one played right in the beggining. :o
  2. R

    CSI Season 1

    does anyone know the music from csi???
  3. R


    yep. thnks :D :lol: :P ;) :huh:
  4. R


    that one with a boy and a girl in the park dreaming about some warriors chasing a ball... :blink: :unsure:
  5. R


    hi there does anyone know the music from the adidas' tv commercial? thnks:D
  6. R

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    this music is not from a particular film. it's the music for the duels in cowboy films, you know? i'd like to know the name and the author please. thnkx :D ;)
  7. R

    Sapo Duplo

    it's a well known music that is played in action movies or scenes. it's like rocky music, mission impossible music, james bond music,... roitos
  8. R

    Sapo Duplo

    well, you probably don´t know the tv commercial i´m talking about because it is a portuguese tvcommercial!! anyway, does anyone know the name of the music from "sapo duplo" tv commercial? probably not. thanks anyway. :(
  9. R

    Rocky 3

    thanks a lot:D ;)
  10. R

    Rocky 3

    Does anyone know the name and the author of that well known music from "Rocky (Silvester Stalone)"? thnks...:D