Recent content by PapillonOne

  1. P

    2011 Kia Sorento

    Re: Kia Sorento "Actually there is another version (the older one) which is dominated by violin and not like the electronic music version in cab (all the links above)." Yes, that's it,:D listened to it just last night and noted the violins that were pretty quick but not quite stacatto...
  2. P

    2011 Kia Sorento

    Re: Kia Sorento Hi thanks for posting but that is so not it! The one I am hoping that someone will post is a very gentle sort of lilting tune. I believe it has some bells in it and one of those instruments that is considered percussion but it sounds like a stick being dragged over a jagged...
  3. P

    2011 Kia Sorento

    Re: Kia Sorento - change of song - anyone know to what? I noticed there was different music on this commercial too, but I really like it and cannot find it on Youtube or any where else...Can anyone help me out & post the commercial again but with the new music added in and can anyone identify...