Recent content by NewYorkdude

  1. N

    Real World Road Rules Challenge Cutthroat

    That link no longer works as the next episode has aired. The new link is: Again, the song comes in about one minute in.
  2. N

    Real World Road Rules Challenge Cutthroat

    I am looking for the theme song where the contestants are introduced from this show. I figure the second part of the song is "Insomnia" by Faithless. Just can't work out the first part. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Must.Have.Now. (or whenever one of you awesome people figure it out)...
  3. N

    2008 Summer Olympics Beijing

    The theme is from Stephen Warbeck's "Shakespeare in Love" score. [/b] Thanks so much! You rock!
  4. N

    2008 Summer Olympics Beijing

    Can anyone help out with the instrumental that was playing in the background right before the closing credits when Bob Costas was doing the last few minutes of his wrap up?
  5. N

    The Sopranos Season 6

    ^^^^^ Closing credits song for episode 67 was by Moby and called "When it's cold I'd like to die" from the album "Everything is Wrong". Guest vocalist is Mimi Goese. Hope that helps.
  6. N

    Rescue Me Season 2

    Thanks sracer.. you rock and stuff!
  7. N

    Honda Civic Coupe

    I was wondering about this song as well. It is an instrumental and yes it was also in "Snatch". Does anyone know it?