Recent content by mikedozier

  1. M

    Jeep Chrysler adrenaline rush sale

    Different commercial, poor quality audio, but this is the tune. Anyone got any artist info?
  2. M

    Jeep Chrysler adrenaline rush sale

    unfortunately no. Thanks for the attempt. It just came on again..I hate elusive adtunes!
  3. M

    Jeep Chrysler adrenaline rush sale

    'I live, I ride, I am' is the refrain. Female vocal. Promotion going on in the southeast I know. Had the TV on NBC this evening and saw it at least four times, so its getting some very heavy airtime right now. anyone? thanks!
  4. M

    Last night on the Emmy's

    I recognized Kate Pierson's voice right away on this one. B-52's. The song was supposed to be exclusively carried on iTunes, but according to their website it may/may not be. I've been searching like crazy to put my hands on this one. Please let me know if anyone finds it.