Recent content by Matrinka

  1. M

    Behind Mansion Walls Investigation Discovery

    This song catches my attention every time the teaser commercial comes up. Anyone know what/who the title and artist are? Thanks in advance!
  2. M


    Psych Promo There is a song on one of the Psych promos that is driving me crazy. I know I've head the song 1000 times, but for the life of me can not recall the band or song title. The lyrics sound like "reaper... keep on" something "soldier... keep on" something. I couldn't find a YouTube...
  3. M

    New Honda Trucks tv ad (03/04/07)

    It sounds like music from Final Fantasy VII.
  4. M

    Liberty Mutual people helping others

    There is a commercial - I think its for an insurance agency - that features a chain reaction of people doing good deeds for one another. It shows a woman pushing a cup of coffee back onto a table when it is about to spill, a man holding an elevator's doors open, a woman pushing a man out of the...