Recent content by maria08

  1. M

    What are some songs with...

    Truth hurts- addictive
  2. M

    need song title

    Anyone know the background music to this here ?
  3. M

    hey y'all!

    wooyah thanks for all the welcoming comments. ^^and I do love marbles, but I don't know if I'm talking about the same marbles...I'm wondering if they are they those round things I used to chuck at people when I was a kid lol :huh:
  4. M

    hey y'all!

    Hey how goes it? well...I'm knew here so myaswell introduce myself cause everyone else does. My name is Maria, I'm white, I live in BC, I love to party, and make money and listen to music, and act like a loser. Um so I like this site. I find it very useful. It rocks. B)
  5. M

    song in new Buckley's commercial

    the song is called "everythings gonna be alright" by Christ Tait.