Recent content by Guest

  1. Guest

    Hershey's Kisses "Unconditional Love"

    I'm trying to find the female singer who covered Dusty Springfield's "I Only Want to Be With You" for a 15-second Hershey's Kisses commercial. It came up as a YouTube ad recently, but to my knowledge it was first published in May 2022. She has a beautiful but familiar voice, so I'm wondering if...
  2. Guest

    Cartoon Network

    Used in Cartoon Network's bumpers/promos from about 1992/93-1997 (Checkerboard era). Need help identifying the song. View: There is a longer version of the song on the Taste of Cartoon Network VHS tape. View...
  3. Guest

    Mary Magdalene

    I can’t for the life of me find the music in the background of this new trailer about Mary Magdalene: Can anyone help?
  4. Guest

    Britain's Got Talent

    Does anyone know the music at the end of video? Tried searching it by lyrics I heard, but it didn't gave any results. Song is catchy and would love to know what is it.
  5. Guest

    John Wick Chapter 2

    Basically this is from Vivaldi's Four Seasons "Summer" or "Winter": I would be interested in this particular version. Anyone any idea on who created this? Artist?
  6. Guest

    Czech online TV "Train from Prague"

    Hey guys, this is a video about architecture featured on a Czech online TV. Never mind the video, which most of you won't understand :-), but if you skip to 5:43 beautiful piano music starts playing and it keeps on playing until 6:23. I...
  7. Guest

    Jameson Ginger

    Hey guys, does anyone recognize the song in this ad? Thanks! :)
  8. Guest

    Geico Motorcycle Insurance

    That's ZZ Top performing "La Grange".
  9. Guest

    Raisin Bran Crunch

    Song title is: Marga Sol and Marcus Zelonka - One Little Thing
  10. Guest

    Battlefield 4

    Appreciate any help. Still can't think of it. Or find it.
  11. Guest

    Battlefield 4

    And the mods moved it anyway. Come on now! Appreciate any help. Still can't figure it out.
  12. Guest

    Battlefield 4

    Posting this here because the song, while used in a Battlefield 4 video game montage, is not from the video game to the best of my recollection -- but has appeared in a film soundtrack. May be mistaken. (Disclaimer: this one is part of a series of funny moments from BF4 by bigmooney06 on...
  13. Guest


    From 0:40 to the end, that's "Choose Your Destiny" by X-Ray Dog.
  14. Guest

    The Avengers

    If I am correct, that cue is "Avengers Assemble", by Alan Silvestri.
  15. Guest

    Asus "Incredible way of Proposing" promo

    please help me