Recent content by gst233

  1. gst233


    I'm pretty sure it's called Adagio for Strings. I'm looking for the name of the first song played during the credits.
  2. gst233

    Techno/Dance Song help

    Thank you! :D
  3. gst233

    Techno/Dance Song help

    Nothing? Not even a guess?
  4. gst233

    Techno/Dance Song help

    This is going to be hard to explain, but they play this Techno-y/Dance song at Buffalo Sabres games sometimes, and I've been wondering for a while the name of it. It's hard to describe, but it's upbeat and my best attempt at the lyrics of the male singer are: Yippee yeahyeahyeah Yippee...
  5. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    I stumbled upon it myself - Bon Jovi - "Living on a Prayer"
  6. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    Nope. I'd classify it as more of a pop song than rock.
  7. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    It's not that either.
  8. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    Nope, it's not either of those. Sweet Caroline is fairly close, but the song I'm thinking of is a bit faster.
  9. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    Well, I went to a minor league baseball game tonight, and during the post-game fireworks they played this song. I've heard it before and I'll probably hear it again, and people seem to know it, but I don't. The one line I picked up was "I'm there for you baby". Then there is this: Some line...
  10. gst233

    Tiger Woods Nike Music

    what is the music played here: Link
  11. gst233

    Six Degrees

    Better Days Goo Goo Dolls
  12. gst233

    Raisin Bran

    I came on here looking for the answer to that very same question.
  13. gst233

    Sabres Intro Song

    I found it myself. Scorpion and Berlin Philharmonic - Hurricane 2000.
  14. gst233

    Sabres Intro Song

    Does anyone know the name of the song that MSG plays a segment of before every Sabres game? The tune is on this page: Here It's part of a collection of songs, though - it plays from about 20 seconds into the thing to about 50 seconds. I know this is obscure, but I've seen more obscure...
  15. gst233

    2006 Winter Olympics Torino

    I doubt anyone will know what I am taking about, seeing as how shows like Grey's Anatomy and American Idol are beating out the Olympics TV ratings-wise, but anyway... Does anybody know the name of the song that was played in the background during NBC's introduction to the women's downhill...