Recent content by Grubzilla

  1. G

    McDonald's breakdancing kid

    That's the one. The McDonalds version is different. Thanks.
  2. G

    McDonald's breakdancing kid

    Ok, I've seen this commercial a couple of times already. You see a family sitting down for dinner. Then you hear a song begin to play and a young boy walks in with one of those old school boom boxes. The boy starts to follow the song and eat his dinner. The dad starts to get into it and...
  3. G

    Anaheim Ducks

    Hello all, I'm a huge Anaheim Ducks fan. There is a commercial for Playoff Ticket with a $350 deposit on Season Tickets. The commercial shows Ducks game footage superimposed on ice. There is a Alternative Rock song playing and it's awsome but I don't know who it is or what the name of the...
  4. G

    Virgin Megastore

    Ok, I need help finding the name of a song I heard while watching a commercial. The commercial was for Virgin mp3 players. It was set in England, since that is where Virgin is from, and it starts off with some British Royal Guards (you know the ones with the black Q-Tip hats). They walk to...