Recent content by brothersky

  1. brothersky

    House Season 5

    Re: House Season 5 , Episode 7, THe ITch It's 'I'm in Love with a Girl', by Big Star, the classic early 70s band.
  2. brothersky

    How Stuff Works Commercial Music

    If it's the one with the cat doing scuba in the pool, it's Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' from the Ring cycle.
  3. brothersky

    America's Best Dance Crew Season 1

    All I know is that the ad is based on the opening scene of the movie 'The Warriors', where the guy n the ad assembles all of the NYC gangs in Cenral Park to unite as one gang. 'Can you dig it?' is his catch phrase. Before he's assassinated, that is. The movie is a lot of fun, especially if...
  4. brothersky

    Top Ad Music for 2007?

    Other musicians in ads: The Pips and Peter Frampton in the Geico commercials.
  5. brothersky

    Volkswagen Golf Estate

    Cool. Glad it helps.
  6. brothersky

    Volkswagen Golf Estate

    I'm fairly certain that it was written for the commercial. But if you or a friend play guitar, here are the chords: Cmajor Dminor Fmajor C major Dminor Fmajor E7 Fmajor Cmajor E7 Fmajor Cmajor E7 Fmajor Cmajor E7 Fmajor Cmajor E7...
  7. brothersky

    "Life Takes Visa" ad

    Here's the ad: I still have the vinyl in my collection. Ah, the eighties. Brave new world.
  8. brothersky

    PBS promo

    I'm fairly positive that the piano trio jazz piece for the Merry Maids was created specifically for the commercial. The piano gliss before she whoops, the Basie chord when the maids smile. But higher authorities would know for sure. If you want something that sounds like that, try Oscar...
  9. brothersky

    Ford Focus

    Don't forget KORN. That application could get ugly in some cars I ride in.
  10. brothersky

    Mercedes-Benz 2008 C-Class

    Hard sayin' not knowin', but it sure seems like a piece that was crafted for the commercial. I couldn't hear any lyrics/vocal, so that's my two cents.
  11. brothersky

    Campfire Commercial

    It is 'Let it Bleed' by those lovable Rolling Stones.