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      Aquatroy replied to the thread Max "Max Gets TCM".
      https://youtu.be/dlhdGukD2KQ Not sure this worked..but here it is!
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      Aquatroy replied to the thread Max "Max Gets TCM".
      I got this https://share.icloud.com/photos/0acGCdbfwFujkLmlk-JsiZ2MA
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      Aquatroy replied to the thread Max "Max Gets TCM".
      Off the top no, but I will try and record it with my phone next time…
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      Aquatroy replied to the thread Max "Max Gets TCM".
      Nope, starts with the jingle but ends with a jazzy Miles Davis sounding horn group…But THANKS for trying!!
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      Aquatroy reacted to jca's post in the thread Max "Max Gets TCM" with Like Like.
      View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bO7pafz41k This doesn't sound like the right Max commercial, but just wanted to make sure this...
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      Aquatroy replied to the thread Max "Max Gets TCM".
      Nope, the one I am looking for promotes classic movies and ahs a bunch of classic movie clips in it..but Thanks for trying!!
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      View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlhdGukD2KQ TCM is showing a commercial for Max gets classic movies, it has a jazzy intro that...
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