Sony Bravia bouncing balls

sorry i think i spelled it wrong, i think this is how it's spelled jose gonzalez
Hey all interested in the song in this commercial--

Just thought that this would be of interest to you all---
There's a version of the song (the Jose Gonzales "Heartbeats") song--it's very different than his version, but I still think it's a great song, just a diff style-- it's from "The Knife", and it's still the same title--"Heartbeats"--so that's THE KNIFE "HEARTBEATS"--if you're interested in hearing an alternative version of the song. Not sure which artist wrote it though.

Originally posted by mcwenderton@Dec 18 2007, 12:00 PM
Hey all interested in the song in this commercial--

Just thought that this would be of interest to you all---
There's a version of the song (the Jose Gonzales "Heartbeats") song--it's very different than his version, but I still think it's a great song, just a diff style-- it's from "The Knife", and it's still the same title--"Heartbeats"--so that's THE KNIFE "HEARTBEATS"--if you're interested in hearing an alternative version of the song. Not sure which artist wrote it though.

