Nissan Titan

Thanks guys for trying...I did find out it was a piece made for the ad...and I did get that bit of info from Rob at that site Thanks again but I guess I am at a dead end. :(
I'm probably looking for the same song as twotoes -- Nissan Titan commercial, truck going over rocks & gravel, no lyrics, drums and terrific edgy guitar riff so i don't think it's the Morphine song. If it helps, I saw this during the season finales of both "Cold Case" and "CSI:Miami," 5/23 and 5/24, 8-9 pm and 10-11 pm, respectively. Thanks...
Hello everyone! I have the correct answers to all of your questions about the Nissan Titan campaign music. The campaign consists of the following commercials:

1. Best In Class - camera is infront of truck, goes through truck, sees engine, leaves truck
2. Cargo - Truck driving in dirt. Percussion track.
3. Towing - Truck tows various things on highway.
4. 4 x 4 - Truck drives up to camera. Camera shoots below truck.
5. Shift - Long version of 4 x 4. :60 version.
6. Teaser 1 - :15 seconds
7. Teaser 2 - :15 seconds
8. Teaser 3 - :15 seconds

The music from tracks 1-3 was written by Jason Johnson.
The music from tracks 4 was written by Spooky Reuben.
The music from track 5 was written by Spooky Reuben and Jason Johnson.
The music from tracks 6-7 was written by Morphine.

You can hear watch some of the Titan commercials here:

you can download some mp3s of the titan music here:

If you have any other questions, email me at


Hey JAsonJohnson, I just e mailed you twice today wondering what songs those Titans were from.
Now, I just e mailed you again about the truck driving toward the camera and camera goes under truck. Spooky Reuben number 5.. does he have a CD I can get with that song or where can I find it?