Macys red boxes


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A while back, sometime around November and December of last year there was a diamond commerical, sorry, I can't remember the name of the company, they played this really cool song that I would like very much to find out the name. All I can remember is a guy walking to meet his fiancee and he was carrying the ring in a red? box. The song mentions something about a box, that's all I remember. It was not the DeBeers company or Kay Jewelers. Does anyone out there have a clue as to which commercial I am referring to? Does any of this ring a bell? Any info would be appreciated. Thanx.
Can you describe the song? Any lyrics? Vocals? Genre?
This is a bit OT because I'm not really trying to find the song, I'm trying to find the commercial itself.

The commercial has a girl handing her significant other one present after another. With each one, the score above his head increments. When she's done he brings out some kind of jewelry in a small jewel box. Her score suddenly goes to 50 or so. She leaps over and wraps her arms around him, and his score goes to like 700 or something.

Anyway, does anyone know who made this commercial?

I thought it was JC Penney's or Sears, but it seems that no-one else has seen this ad. :(
I think it was Macys. I remember all those red boxes/bags.