"Im sorry (so sorry)"


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I've heard it on the radio a few times. It's kinda of an upbeat club/hip hop type song...and the main lyrics just go "I'm sorry, so sorry" in a girls voice over and over. Has anyone heard this? Help PLZ! :huh:
Most likely if it was heard on the radio, but I have no clue as to who would re-mix it.

I have AmelieMellow to thank for actually answering this question for me before.

IT IS SLOW HERE TODAY! Or is it that I am the "topic killer?" It happens a lot to me - I go to a forum, and I am always the last to reply. :lol:
What radio station did you hear it on? They might have a playlist of their songs... or you could always try emailing the DJ -- that never works for me, but you never know. :unsure:
Originally posted by mram@Jul 3 2004, 08:57 PM

I have AmelieMellow to thank for actually answering this question for me before.

oh hey i remember that one!!! :lol:
Oh, that's really weird... I just got that song a few days ago and I'm currently listening to it. RIGHT NOW (Never made the connection, on this thread though...) :blink:

Yeah, totally awesome song, by the way... You can find it on Jem's album "Finally Woken." Audio sample available for "They" in the link, track 1.
Ironically, it was a "Free Download of the Week" on iTunes only a few weeks ago. However, while it's no longer free, it is still available for $.99 on iTunes.
wow thanks guys!!!!! Ack! It was just stuck in my head and it was driving me nuts! Thanks Again! :D
heh. yeah. ive been looking for that song but i couldnt remember any of the lyrics. Its definately catchy. I listened to to all the audio samples and I definatley like heir music. good find