Chillax'd Track ID Request

Lord Fuzzywig

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As a big fan of downtempo/ambient/minimal, I tend to listen to whatever venues I can to get my fix. A while back, maybe a month or so ago, I heard this song on a station I generally listen to that really just blew me away, but it didn't blow me away so much that I needed it ID'd right then and there. Time passes on, and that song was, and is, a thorn in my side. So I'm coming to you,, to help me out.

The best way I can describe this song is very chilled. It's like something you'd listen to alone in a dark room. xD Very, very minimal, there wasn't much to the song at all, except for this woman who would chime in every once in a while to sing a few words. The part I remember most distinctly, because it was said the most, is...

Then he/ (Sounds almost like Denny or Danny, however strange that seems)
Told me/
(If) you love me/ (If is very quietly said, if said at all)
Show me/

Those lyrics start out 'high' in pitch, and with each break get lower. Kind of like a stair step. "Then" is highest, "he" is a bit lower. Same with "told me."
By the time it gets to "If you love me," it's almost spoken, but still retains tune.

I realize that this isn't the most helpful description of the song, but if anyone can help, or think of anything that it MIGHT be, please -- I'm on my knees -- let me know.

Thank you SO MUCH in advance.
~Lord Fuzzywig
To explain what I mean by chilled, I guess it would have been wise of me to provide an example.

Think Bluebeat - Dans Le Soleil mixed with, like, Ott - Jack's Cheese and Bread Snack. Hope this helps, sorry for not being clear the first time around.