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Has anyone seen the new Chili's commerical where you can customize your own burger? Sounds like a Queen of the Stone Age song playing in the background, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know?
There's a new Chili's commercial with people "building their own burgers" as some kind of rock music is playing in the background. The commercial ends with Chili's new slogan, "Spicalicious." There is no singing or any lyrics - its just an electric guitar changing cords with a band ensemble.

I've already searched this forum, and there is no topic for Chili's, so I assume this is a very new commercial. The music definitely sounds like an energetic beginning to a longer rock song. Thanks for any help!
I just saw the Chili's ad again on Comedy Central. The camera zooms through all kinds of toppings people can put on their burgers, with a narrator saying "choose from over 30 toppings, including Chipotle sauce."

People are "building their own Big Mouth burgers." Any information on the music would be appreciated.
The song is "Get Up" by Bleu off of the album "Redhead" :)
does anyone know the name of the song played in a recent chile's restaraunt ad?

it featured kaliadascope (sp?) effects, with a bright {red?} background and black-and-white people being served at the end.

it's driving me crazy -- does anyone know?
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