Austin Powers International Man of Mystery


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at the end of the austin powers movie, austin and vanessa step out onto the balcony. there's a really cute song playing. it's up-tempo, and you can hear it really well when they first step out. any help? thanks.
i would LOVE to know this too (just saw it on tv... and it made me wonder)
actually, i just found it. it's called "carnival" by the cardigans. they also sang "lovefool".
Does anybody know the song playing in the background when Austin and Vanessa enter the casino to meet #2 and Alotta. It is sung by femals and I have heard it before in commercials, there are really no words just singing. Kinda hard to explain.
The song was played on a commercial latley but I dont know the name. It can be heard here:
it is in the begining in the background. The lyrics are like "ooooooooooooo (something)"

Thank You