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  1. bobbym529

    Vigilante Vigilante

    They answered me on Facebook. Mike Hoffman - Shiny Black Car http://www.mikehoffmanmusi​​r
  2. bobbym529


    OK now what is the one from 0:33 to 0:52? There is a soundtrack to the movie on iTunes by Jonathan Keevil, but I can't tell if it's one of them by the clips. Thanks in advance. Bob
  3. bobbym529

    Vigilante Vigilante

    Love to know this too. Here's a list of the music artists from the press kit but no specific songs. I don't really have the time to wade through all of these right now. Don't know why they just don't list the songs. I may try the facebook page next. 23Skidoo Matt Abeysekera Rob Ahlers Allison...