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  1. S

    Cowboy Bebop The Movie

    No, not "Musawe" unfortunately. While similar in sound, it is not the track that I'm looking for.
  2. S

    Cowboy Bebop The Movie

    Alright, there is a track in "Cowboy Bebop The Movie" that doesn't seem to be listed in the credits or the soundtrack. It occurs in the latter half of the film when Spike is walking through the Morocco-esque marketplace for the second time. The piece sounds to be sung in Arabic or another Middle...
  3. S

    Ford Sync commercial

    Allright, I'm looking for info regarding the 2nd tune that comes up in this commercial. The first is by the Strokes but the second is a mystery! Help me out! To view the commercial in question follow the URL below to Youtube. Thanks everyone...