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  1. M

    Banned Xbox 360

    It's on youtube, if you search banned xbox's the commerical where everyone is using their hands as guns. Does anyone know the song in it? I can't figure out what the guy is saying...something about a tiger maybe?
  2. M

    90210 Season 1

    But those aren't all the songs from the first episode. The song by Jazon Mraz isn't on that list. And there's the song that plays right before the Jason Mraz song that I'd like to find, but I don't think it's on that site either. I can't remember most of the words now, but they said the word...
  3. M

    Shear Genius

    Does anyone know the song that's in the Sheer Genius ad that is currently running on Bravo? I saw it about a hundred times yesterday, but I couldn't quite understand any of the lyrics. Thanks!
  4. M

    Gossip Girl Season 1

    What was the song playing at the end of the show? The only line I managed to hear was something about hanging from a rope, ten feet off the ground... thanks!
  5. M

    Hennessy commercial music

    Just thought I should say that my last name is Hennessy :]