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  1. T

    Entourage Season 3

    Entourage season 3 Hi there is a song I need to find and it was played on the Entourage show on a episode about a month ago (end of October approx) It is a techo type house song and it SORT of sounds east indian, but not entirely. If anyoen likes the clubs at all, it's a clubby song and it's...
  2. T


    It wasn't Boston, but it was Level 42. The search helped me. Thanks for the idea of typing in the lyrics into google. I never even thought of doing that. Duh. You made my night. YAAY
  3. T


    Hello everyone! I already searched thru trying to find this, and even downloaded the suggestions inprevious fidelity topics, but it's not the right song. The newest commercial has the lyrics "there's something about you" and it's very 80s sounding. I recgnize it, but can't figure out what it is...