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    Oakley community project

    anyone know the name of the song
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    song that sounds like in my place by coldplay

    hey, i heard this song in a club i was in. it was a bit from a distance, and this description is going to be very vague, but i seriously thought it was "In My Place" by Coldplay. Didn't think much of it, but then as it went on i began to noticed it wasnt, then i became curious. i ended up really...
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    Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi

    I recently saw Return of the Jedi (i think it was that one) , where near the end, Luke fights Darth Vader. I really liked the song, and although I went through the John Williams soundtrack (listening by sample, not entire song), I could not find this piece! The only place I could find this song...
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    Discovery Atlas Italy

    Hi, I was wondering the name of this song from a Discovery : Atlas commercial. It's for the Italy Atlas show. Here is a link to watch the trailer: Click on italy if it doesnt start playing right away. If anyone knows the name/artist...