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    Nissan Trucks

    hey. i couldn't hear the commercial clearly (as my one-yr old was talking at the time) but the ad was dark and a great acoustic song that sounds like Nick Drake. any help?
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    Ikea Canada Robert Muraine robot dancer

    during CBC Olympic coverage there was a new IKEA commercial with a techno beat and a couple in their home doing robot moves... any idea?
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    Ontario Add it Up

    the new 'Add it Up' commercial from the gov't of Ontario has a fantastic song with a female singer and some of the lyrics are: "Every time I wake I sense the world awake (?)" and "The world's a little brighter And my legs a little lighter" Please help!!
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    Liberty Mutual carnival

    Hi. during the diving coverage on NBC on aug 10th there wa a liberty mutual commercial set at a fair or carnival. the song was quiet and sung by a woman. i can't remember the words but it was nice. can you help?
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    Coronation Street

    Sarah's wedding episode 1. David is in his car before driving into the canal. there's a song at the beginning of the episode... starts with acoustic guitar, male voice. the lyrics i caught were: what am i to you? what are you to me? ... what of the songs we used to sing? that's all i got...