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  1. V

    Toyota Tundra Truck

    wow im surprised of the huge amount of replys for this song, its a sick beat but you guys havent posted a full length version on itunes! I won't lie i dont buy music but i'de pay for that beat because its that catchy.
  2. V

    Can't figure it out! Uggghhh!

    alright i can't figure this out but there is a clip of the song on, if you go to that site (its a free music video site) and search for "jewlery report" click on any of the "articles" or whatever you want to call them and it'll play a short advertisement then get to the guys blog...
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    Toyota Tundra Truck

    Hey can't remember which truck is in the advertisement however each commercial (there are several of them) starts with a rugged looking man making a statement of "man-lyness" actions and then it shows the truck and a techno bass song plays. Anyone know if thats acctually from a song or just a...
  4. V

    Night at the Museum

    ballin! thanks pimp, i dont know what it is about 70's disco but i love it.
  5. V

    Night at the Museum

    There's a song right before the credits where ben stiller is in the museum and all the wax figures that have come to life are dancing, some are playing soccer, whatever have you, its a big party. I can't make out many of the lyrics but it sounds 70's dance-ish. Can anybody help me out? Thanks.