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    Viva La Bam

    i found it. it was Turbengro Must Be Destroyed by Turbonegro
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    Viva La Bam

    Episode: Community Service
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    Viva La Bam

    what was the song in the episode when bam is in his car with a bunch of trashbags.
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    UPS Whiteboard

    ya thanks. you rock
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    UPS Whiteboard

    What the song playing during the ups commercials?
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    Ocean's Eleven

    What was the song in Oceans Eleven when the charecter played by George Clooney gets out of jail?
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    Hyundai Santa Fe

    yeah thats it. thanx
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    Hyundai Santa Fe

    i saw this commercial where a bunch of people were like making making the shape of a car. what song whas that. if i couls at lest get a response that'd be cool.
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    forrest gump

    what is the song playn when jenny is about to jump off the building.
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    Baker 3

    does anyone kno the song that plays during the friends section in Baker 3. it says at the end credits but i dont think the song they show is real
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    Forrest Gump

    thanx you rule
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    Forrest Gump

    what is that song that plays after Forrest syas where the people in his sqaud is from(i.e. Dallas from Pheonix)
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    In one of the jackass skits with chris pontius wearing a black shirt with a misfits logo on it. he say to meet him somewhere and they joust. the song they use when they joust goes " city, city of satan," and that is pretty much all i remember. if any one can help me out it would be awsome. :D