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  1. M

    planters superbowl commericial

    here's a link 2 the commercial, does anyone know the name and or artist??? I know its an old time song b/c my dad plays it alot...would call him but my cell phone is broken and im away in college... p.s. - SEND UR KIDS AWAY 2 COLLEGE ITS 2 FUN OUT HERE!!!
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    Hummer H3

    (artist) matthew dear - don & sherri (song) dunno if u guys had this...but i jus saw the commercial and immediately thought adtunes. guyz provide lots of info, good job every1...
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    Chrysler Sebring / Cirrus commercial

    any1 kno the name of this song??? there's also another chrysler commercial wit a father mother and child taking a ride in the night, forgot what model it was but the commerical is pretty recent and the music has a jazz theme
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    Hershey's Dark Chocolate

    can anyone identify the song, it had violins and people were in a white backround talking about hershey's dark chocolate...all help is appreciated
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    The General's Daughter

    Does anyone know the instrumental/score @ the end of the movie when the investigators discover the truth behind what happened and we find out what happens to everyone else?
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    biography of hugh hefner

    This song was towards the end of the documentary where hugh and his 2nd wife broke up and footage of playboy parties were shown (ace ventura, L. decapprio...lots of sexy ladies) it had trumpets and sounded like a tune from the early to mid 1900's. I just saw the documentary - 12 am (eastern...
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    baseball game

    there was this remixed old time song on the commercial, it came on between 9:20 and 9:30pm (eastern time) on fox five, need sum help plz (-=,
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    black magic commercial

    yea its that commercial advertising car shining products (black magic) and has fairies coming to the car there's sum voice but its 4 advertising not the song sorry i 4got what he was saying...HELP PLEASE!!!!
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    Land Rover LR3

    does any1 know that song used in the landrover LR3 commercial where they advertise the car navigating the airplane to Nice, france, the commercial had an instrumental, sorry i dunno wat type of genre it is...THE HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED DEARLY
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    baseball subway series

    does any1 kno the song of the commercials for the subway series this year?