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  1. D


    I just got off the phone with Jane at Wendy's Customer Relations and they are still telling me the singer is a "nobody." If you would like to pester them (614) 764-3100.That is it for me. Have a great day!
  2. D


    I just got off the phone this am with Wendy's customer relations. They promised that they would do their best to find our who sang "Magic Carpet Ride" on their Frescata commercial. She said they have had many calls about this. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this "mystery" singer.
  3. D


    I finally got hold of someone at Mccain-Erickson Advertising in NY about the Wendy's Frescata commercial song "Magic Carpet Ride." Believe it or not, they refused to give me any information about who sang the song. "That information is confidential between our company and our clients."
  4. D


    I've done a little research by calling Wendy's customer service. Jane tells me that the singer is a "nobody" that Mccain-Erickson Advertising in NY used. It is a remake of Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride". I've contacted Mccain-Erickson and am waiting on a reply.