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  1. M


    My Favorite song was Drzim ti miesto which is by a band called TEAM. Took me a few hours to find it. Eli told me about it and later made that post.
  2. M


    Eli Roth posted a topic on his Myspace about the Czech music in hostel. Here is a link for you. Most of the songs are still pretty hard to find once you know who made them. It's mostly stuff from the 80's. Eli's Myspace blog about the songs on Hostel
  3. M


    ..... I e-mailed Eli Roth, who cooincidentally has a page on, and he told me the name of the song. It is called : Drzim ti Miesto by TEAM. They are from Slovakia. But really, what are the chances that I find out from the guy who actually was there in that scene of the movie... sweet.
  4. M


    Thanks for your help. I don't think that it's going to be on the soundtrack because its all original scores and molodies. What i'm hearing sounds like a real song. Why have all movie soundtracks stopped puting real songs on them anyway? I'm tired of watching a movie with great music in it and...
  5. M


    I uploaded a clip of the movie where the song is playing that i'm trying to find: please take a listen and see if you know it.
  6. M


    It gets really gorey in a lot of scenes, so if you do see it I hope you have a strong stomach. I really want this song.
  7. M


    I've been wanting to know what the techno beat / song was on the move "Hostel" where he is first shoved into the closet and locked in at the club. I'd look it up on google but the only words sound like "naa naaa naa naaa" which isnt too uncommon for techno, but doesnt make things easy. I'd...