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  1. K

    Hilton Hotels Olympic commercial

    one day ill hear everything you say i might even try your way i'm not slowing down i found speed feels better faster the quicker i can get what i'm after i'm not afraid of disaster speed feels better during a montage of family members going to the olympics together, this song plays
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    Desolation Sound

    I'm dying to figure this out...the girl's lyrics go "remember me when you ride at night on your getaway from our divide infinite and wide it sets you free and buries me i'm sorry" it's a very haunting and slow song
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    Miss America Reality Check

    It goes something like this: "I know you like to think that you are beautiful. What can I say? You're all the same. Show me the way to be like you" And it's a guy singing that can remind you a little of Blue has a rockish vibe
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    The Starter Wife

    During the episode towards the end, Debra Messing is waiting at her dinner table for her date to arrive and a song is playing that's was a mellowish one with a guy singing...I can't think of lyrics but if anyone watched it or catches it later, pleaseeeeee let me know
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    October Road

    It's a girl singing and I really wish I could make out the words but I couldn't due to the commentary over the top of the singing...her voice sounded a tiny bit like Pink's but it was stronger than hers
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    ABC Promo for all shows

    I think the lyrics said something along the lines of "be your sweet lady" and maybe "always be there"...please help if you see was on during the new episode of The Apprentice
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    Stay Alive

    as the character "Phinn" is driving in the car alone, he is listening to a song and singing at the top of his lungs...i can't remember it off the top of my head but do any of you know what it may be that have seen the movie? please & thank you
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    I believe the lyrics I caught were along the lines of "together we can make it right this is where you"
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    Saturn Commercial

    the only words I could really make out I THINK were "i caught a glimpse" sounded familiar but i can't put my finger on it
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    Dunkin Donuts Commercial

    It's a guy singing...the lyrics go something like this: and dinner is so far away this distance is an ocean time is taking boat away now i won't be hungry
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    Student Seduction Lifetime Movie

    The lyrics went like this: through your eyes i see a world of innocence and grace of your soul are mirrored in your face see your light so clearly where it comes from never know my love It was at the beginning part somewhat where the teacher & her husband were kissing as she was grading...
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    Dr. G Medical Examiner

    at the end of her most recent episode, a really awesome song played that i cannot seem to are some of the lyrics "you are the pillow which i rest my tired head you are the peaceful sleep i never want to end" i know a few sporadic lines are these: "rising sun woke me up if not mine...