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    Toyota Prius

    This commercial has a car being built of sticks and leaves then dissembling talking of how their goal is to leave no impact on the environment.
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    macy's springtime ad

    There is this new macy's spring sales event ad with a very technoish sounding song.... it sounds like the same company that did the running rings and split screen for mercedes....
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    new rebok commercial

    in this commercial there is a guy running and jumping around a seemingly faded- black and white city and jumps over a fence at the end.... the music seems to be only percussion (bongos).... i'm sure the music is made by a private company but just in case i wanted to put it out there
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    new seimens commercial

    this commercial had many items floating in the air through a city.... and the music was electronic sort of.... it's was like god over the face of the water by moby accept different in the instruments used.... but like everything i'm curious about lately seems to be made only for the commercial
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    2006 winter olympics skating rink- answer to song

    just in case anyone has seen this commercial or will see it and want to know the name to the song i happen to know it.... it is of michelle quan skating and other skaters in the figure skating rink.... the song is called phone call and it's in the eternal sunshine to a spotless mind...
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    dodge hemi

    what's the sontg in the commercial with the dodge hemi racing the racing car and they stop at the toll
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    car commercial

    i've been trying to locate the song for this car commercial for a fair amount of time.... basically the commercial is of a man and a woman walking around in t he woods and it shows their bodies traces like a multiplying effect then their bodies join their original form and they get in the car...