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  1. gst233

    Techno/Dance Song help

    This is going to be hard to explain, but they play this Techno-y/Dance song at Buffalo Sabres games sometimes, and I've been wondering for a while the name of it. It's hard to describe, but it's upbeat and my best attempt at the lyrics of the male singer are: Yippee yeahyeahyeah Yippee...
  2. gst233

    This song is stuck in my head!

    Well, I went to a minor league baseball game tonight, and during the post-game fireworks they played this song. I've heard it before and I'll probably hear it again, and people seem to know it, but I don't. The one line I picked up was "I'm there for you baby". Then there is this: Some line...
  3. gst233

    Tiger Woods Nike Music

    what is the music played here: Link
  4. gst233

    Sabres Intro Song

    Does anyone know the name of the song that MSG plays a segment of before every Sabres game? The tune is on this page: Here It's part of a collection of songs, though - it plays from about 20 seconds into the thing to about 50 seconds. I know this is obscure, but I've seen more obscure...
  5. gst233

    GM Commercial

    What's the song that is played on the GM commercial where it's like, "Then - the radio, now - XM radio...Then - bandstand, now - grandstand" and so forth.