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  1. S

    Hyundai Elantra

    Oops! I meant Iriez, not Inez! (typos are contagious?)
  2. S

    Hyundai Elantra

    It appears Inez made a typo: it's actually, with an "s." If you go to that website, you'll see they specialize in music and appear to be the calibre of firm that would have an account with Hyundai. Hope this helps - just didn't want anyone to waste their time following up a...
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    Hyundai Elantra

    Wow, that's some great sleuthing Iriez. It sucks that they won't release the song (really, how does that make sense?) but thanks for posting what you found!
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    Hyundai Elantra

    It sounds similar to King of the Bongo (aka Bongo Bong) by Manu Chao, but I think the person in the comments on the YouTube who said it was that might be mistaken because it's a bit different if you listen to it. Although if it's a remix, who knows... Nothing on their website, no luck digging...
  5. S


    No luck. I emailed them a while back and they haven't responded. How frustrating! I'd even guess it was an original, but someone definitely starts singing as it fades out, and there's not much point in them writing lyrics and having someone sing for 1 second of the song, you know? Has anyone...
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    Not much actually... it's a brown swirly background (like the background on their website) with white block text over it that says "this is the only time you can stare at something for this long and not get slapped in the face." There's no people in it or anything. It's usually on during...
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    bump, and I just emailed Guinness about the song with the "contact us" feature on their website. Who knows if they'll get back to me... If anyone else wants to contact them (I would guess it's more worth it to them if more people ask) go here...
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    No... "bump" just means I was making a comment to keep the post active. Sorry bout that. Anyone know what the song is? They have another commercial like it that says something else (I don't remember what) - but they all have a really simple white text on a brown swirling-beer background theme...
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  10. S


    Sorry about that. Have you tried contacting them? Since they put (most of) the music up on their website they probably get these inquiries from time to time anyway, and it seems like they'd be good about answering it. I'd do it for you, but I haven't seen the commercial myself to describe it...
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    Red Zone

    The song is "I Am" by the Suggs. I think it was answered here a few weeks back (so I can't take credit for finding it). Hope this helps!
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    Long shot (cause it's actually a solstice commercial, but there are merging convertibles...) but is it "I Love You" by the Dandy Warhols?
  13. S

    Best commercial ad song?

    Two totally different ones: 'Montagues and Capulets' by Prokofiev on an old Lexus commercial (late 80s-early 90s), and 'Golden Touch' by Razorlight on a Pontiac G6 commercial (last year sometime). I had never heard either song before, and they're some of my all-time favourites now. Check 'em out!
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    I'd really like to know this too! I looked on the Guinness website, and they don't have it listed under their "ads" section. I'll keep checking, but in the meantime if anyone sees it and recognizes the song hook us up! : ) It's kind of indie-rock-y, no distortion on the guitar... there's no...
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    Tampax Pearl tampons

    Song is "The Way I Want to Be" by the Village Green, check it out on amazon here: I just verified it and found it on amazon : ) hope this helps!
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    Pontiac G6

    I was looking for it too... the song is "Golden Touch" by Razorlight.
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    Old Lexus

    Wow... that's it! thank you so much! You have just put to rest, like, *years* of frustration. I think someone once said it was "romeo and juliet"... but I just assumed they meant Tchaikovsky's, and didn't look any further. Doh! Thanks again! :)
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    Old Lexus

    This has driven me nuts for years, and I finally found this site so I figured I'd throw it out here... does anyone remember the old Lexus commercial (we're going back 10 or 12 years here) that featured the car (maybe an ES?) driving towards you in a big hall or something, with big pendulums or...