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    The Road to Guantanmo

    Hello Does anyone know the song used in the 2nd part of the "The Road To Guantanamo" trailer? I'm talking about the song that's playing when Donald Rumsfeld starts speaking and it's playing till the end. Here's a link to the trailer...
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    Flight of the Phoenix

    Hi Thanks for the reply. Yes I was talking about the drumbeat. Perhaps it's only a 1-sec clip that they looped in the trailer. It just sounds really cool hehe.
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    Flight of the Phoenix

    Hello I want to know about a song in the Flight of the Phoenix trailer. It starts at about 49 seconds until (drum sounds). Very cool song. It's playing when Dennis Quaid character says "we are in the middle of a desert with no water...."...
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    Wicker Park

    Hello folks One of you know what song it is that is played in the first part of the trailer of Wicker Park? It starts around 16 seconds when the dude says "Nothing else mattered" until 30 secs. Greetz and thanks in advance.