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  1. Y


    There is this commercial where a boy is sitting on a bench, and then decides to go play with the other kids. He has a disease called "Hemo" something. There is a very good song playing in the background and it songs like they're sayin "You could be Hindu", but its not really saying that. If...
  2. Y


    Does anyone know tha "intermission" commercial when the people come and take them away to rehab and talk to them? Some of the words they say are, "What A Strong Boy"
  3. Y


    When someone answers one of your questions, and they get it right, how do u put the little green check mark by its side saying its answered? ;)
  4. Y


    This may sound really stupid, but i just joined, and i was wondering how you get the pictures on the side of your account names? Thanks a lot!