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  1. C

    Adult Swim house bump

    So I know the name of the song, but I'm not having any luck finding it. So I was hoping someone could tell me the name artist. Here's a link: Hope this helps, and thanks in advance!!!
  2. C

    Adult Swim

    Can anyone please tell me the name of this song?:
  3. C

    Having problems with a song used in a ring tone

    Anyone know who this is?: I know it says "Vader" but I think thats just what the creator tagged it as. It's a Drum N Bass song, but I want to know the artist. Thanks in advance!
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    Bumps, bumps, and more bumps...

    Can anyone tell me the name of the song that they play when Samurai Champloo goes to a commercial? It's a more of a funk house kinda sound, and the visual is a clown's head being lifted by a crane on the right, then a Griffin appeares to the left. I know that the Williams St. staff stay tight...
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    i need help with the newest commercial from the scion series. its kind of a break beat song. its the best song out of all the commercials. thats really all of the info i have. thanks.
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    i need help yet again. whats the electronic tune in the scion commercial. its the one when the car is being followed by the camera thru the walls of the street shops. by the way, this site is great. thanks.
  7. C

    one of the i-pod commercials

    im looking for the band (or whatever) in one of the i-pod commerials. its an up beat song . but the only lyrics i know are something about " my walkie talkie man". help anyone. thanks.