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  1. M

    Adidas? Commerical Music

    I saw a commercial for some kind of shoe, (I think it was adidas?) And in it two different athletes are getting tested on treadmills or something and they both hear blasting music. They leave and look for the source and find a fat party, and there's a guy sitting down and the women are all over...
  2. M

    Triple A (AAA) Commercial

    Does anyone know the song to that tripple A commercial where the guy is driving and his family is asleep, and he runs out of gas, but then looks out the window and there's a AAA guy filling up the tank? Thanks for your help.
  3. M

    Gap kids

    I THINK I know what commerical you're talking about. In which case, the song would be "Come on, Come on," by Smash Mouth, on the album "Astro Lounge."