Search results

  1. J

    Ninja Scroll

    Hey there gang, I'm looking for one song in particular from the "Ninja Scroll: the Series" TV anime. It is a techno song played twice in the first Disc of the DVD set. 1. When Jubei is fighting that Cat-woman in the abandoned town. 2. When Jubei is being chased by the...
  2. J


    Don't suppose anyone knows, as the show is still in its early stages, the opening theme song for the new TNT action/drama show, "Wanted"? Any help or info would be most appreciative.
  3. J

    Robot Chicken

    I don't know if anyone else here is a fan of Adult Swims's newest addition, "Robot Chicken", where they do parody skits with toys that were prominant in the 80's. last Sunday a skit was done with Voltron where the robot had to dance off against a monster foe, "You Got Served" style! What is the...
  4. J


    What is the name of this tune being played in the Alias video game trailer? Please folks work your magic!!!