Search results

  1. J

    Ninja Scroll

    Hey there gang, I'm looking for one song in particular from the "Ninja Scroll: the Series" TV anime. It is a techno song played twice in the first Disc of the DVD set. 1. When Jubei is fighting that Cat-woman in the abandoned town. 2. When Jubei is being chased by the...
  2. J


    This is probably the song: "Red Tape" by Agent Provocateur Was on "The Jackal" Soundtrack Link See link above for sample Hope this helps
  3. J


    Question still stands...what is the name of the song in the opening credits of the show?
  4. J


    Nope, not that either!!! It is the song in the opening credits of each episode. None of the trailer or ad music!!!
  5. J


    That, unfortunately, is not it. It is a more hardcore, upbeat rhythm with a wicked guitar riff at the beginning! Remember., it is at the beginning of the show.
  6. J


    Don't suppose anyone knows, as the show is still in its early stages, the opening theme song for the new TNT action/drama show, "Wanted"? Any help or info would be most appreciative.
  7. J

    Ong Bak

    I would if i could...but the person that I got it from did not have that info as a good faith gesture i am prepared to set a LINK up on this site for it...just don't know how to do it!!!
  8. J

    Ong Bak

    Okay folks...I've got them both!!! However..I am not familiar with posting links that are downloadable, so I know not what to do Someone give me some advice as to how to post these songs and it is up for grabs!!!
  9. J

    Robot Chicken

    Chorus for the song goes...... Work it out on the floor (X 16) Some of the lyrics also go... dance with your girlfriend roll with your boyfriend Good luck folks.
  10. J

    Robot Chicken

    Yea had lyrics...can't remember one damned line, though....
  11. J

    Robot Chicken

    I don't know if anyone else here is a fan of Adult Swims's newest addition, "Robot Chicken", where they do parody skits with toys that were prominant in the 80's. last Sunday a skit was done with Voltron where the robot had to dance off against a monster foe, "You Got Served" style! What is the...
  12. J

    Ong Bak

    However, these are not the songs in the theatrical trailer. Bump this one as still unsolved!!!!
  13. J

    Ong Bak

    The song playing near the end of the trailer is also found on the Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus video game for the XBox. Don't know the name of the song though. Bump this search!!!!
  14. J


    To help clarify what song he/she is looking for is the ad for the Scion TC. The video is called "teleporter" on Scion's website
  15. J


    Unfortunately.. this song is not in the trailer. I've heard this tune once before...watching "Cinematech" on TechTV. They were playing ith with video shots of NCAA Football 2005. Help folks :blink:
  16. J


    What is the name of this tune being played in the Alias video game trailer? Please folks work your magic!!!