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    Anybody heard that downtempo-sort of music underneath the Scottrade ads? Recognize it by any chance?
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    AMC December

    Bingo! That's it. The Editors. Thanks so much. You people are amazing!
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    AMC December

    Heard a promo that AMC kept running during the airing of Lara Croft this evening. One of the choruses sounded like " came on you own" Repeated a few times. Any ideas?
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    Hey, I may have answered my own question here. Thanks to FrauBluker's posting (love that name - love any Mel Brooks movie!) I went to the Los High Tops website at They mention the following on their homepage: "The third commercial is now in heavy...
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    I listened to the Hotwire spot and, unfortunately, it's not the same tune. However, it is some really good music. Los High Tops sounds good!
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    Come on! Help us out here! Surely someone has clue about this tune?
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    Ditto on the request for the name of the artist. Love the tune. Very "surf" sounding. Somebody please step up and give us a clue!