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  1. tashie

    Schick Quattro TrimStyle for Women

    does anyone know the song in this commercial? i'm sure it's fairly new, tonight was the first time i've seen it. there weren't any words, just a female voice doing some 'ahh'-ing. kind of sounded like feist.
  2. tashie

    Venus Vibrance razor Britney Spears

    on the venus vibrance commercial, in the very beginning there's a female singing just a few words and that's it for the whole commercial and it sounds like britney spears and sounds like it's saying something like up on mountain top? if anyone knows it, please help! thanks.
  3. tashie

    Malcom in the Middle

    It's a female singing the song, and there are some lyrics, but i have no idea wha they are, but the chorus goes 'a-boom boom boom and a bang bang bang - boom, bang, boom, bang bang..'
  4. tashie

    Jake in Progress

    Ok, I'm sure this one will be easy to answer.. it's al green for sure, and it sounds like he's saying 'i'm so tired of bein' lonely' or something.. anyone know?
  5. tashie


    ok, does anyone know what song is playing on the WB's summerland beginnings commercial? it's a guy singing that too.. could be jesse mccartney, i have no idea but it's the only song playing on that one..
  6. tashie

    Joan of Arcadia

    does anyone know what song is playing during the commercials on cbs for joan of arcadia? i can't remember if it's a commercial for the upcoming episode on friday, or if it's just a commercial for the show in general, but it's a guy singing.. if anyone can help me, please do!