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    2009 Lincoln MKS "Technologic"

    I know that the songs Technologic by Daft Punk (im an avid Daft Punk fan) but its obviously been remixed. I was wondering if this a a publicly avalible remix?
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    Techno Viking video music

    Nobody? :o
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    Techno Viking video music

    This is a video thats going across the web like wild fire, it features a ripped german man that has become known as Techno Viking, he dances to some techno beats in the street. I was wondering if anybody could identify the songs that are playing during the video? I am most interested in the one...
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    Sugar Free Jello

    I found out this song might not be done by The Barenaked Ladies but just the singer from them. Ed Robertson sings the song.
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    Sugar Free Jello

    ok wow you guys seriously need a edit button... But this has to be posted! This is one of the first Jello "Wiggle" Commercials But it has the same song!
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    Sugar Free Jello

    I just noticed theres no edit button :blink: So sorry for double posting... I found this post on the Official Barenaked Ladies Messageboard:
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    Sugar Free Jello

    Just saw a new commercial for Orange Sugar Free Jello with the same song. I see these commercial all the time now and its REALLY making me want this song!
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    jell-o commercial

    already a post about this:
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    Sugar Free Jello

    hopefully it will be out soon
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    Sugar Free Jello

    Sorry for double posting but i just wanted to say that i tryed emailing kraft asking about the song, this is the reply i got...
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    Sugar Free Jello

    yea i heard that too. Ive read alot of forums that also say Jellos going to be posting the song on there website soon. Hopefully this isnt just a rumor. Anyway, dont forget to keep everybody here informed.
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    Sugar Free Jello

    thats the best post ever!!! ill try find it and tell you all if i can.
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    Sugar Free Jello

    any updates yet? I also really want this song. I havent seen the commercial lately though.
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    Honda Accord Gibson Guitar Commercial

    When you type "bump" it puts your topic back at the top. Its that way with all forums. You do it if your topic hasent been answered yet.
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    Honda Accord Gibson Guitar Commercial

    I was wondering what song they where playing on the new 2006 Honda Accord Commercial with the 57' Gibson Guitar. It says "This is what a 57 Gibson Guitar Sounds like......Through a 6 cd changer audio system" Not sure it thats 100% currect, but its close. I cant seem to find the actual...
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    Land of the Dead

    Just wanted to say the rock song for the Land of the Dead Commercial is Marilyn Manson - Seizure Of Power before anyone posts
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    iPod and iTunes

    Well I thought for all of you that didnt know, you can go to the Apple/Itunes website and watch all the Ipod Commercials. The songs that are on the commercials are listed bellow on the commercial pages. Enjoy
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    House of Wax

    Errr, not sure what commercial your talking about. The only rock song ive seen for House of Wax was: Prodigy - Spitfire If you could explain the music more maybe you could get some more help...
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    Helzberg Diamonds

    Hey, I was wondering what the name of the song is on the Helzberg Diamond Commercial. It wasnt long but it was rock, and a mans voice repeated "I got mojo-vibe" Ive seen it on many channels but mostly NBC 11 Thanks for your answer