Search results

  1. M

    Instrumental Versions of Songs

    This is probably the worst place to go to find this. but I was wondering if there was an album in exsistance that had instrumental versions (the msuic without the words) of Pink Floyd's The Wall. I am specifically looking for an instrumental of "The Trial", just because the distorted guitar near...
  2. M


    Does anyone know what the music played in this trailer is?
  3. M

    Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness

    I was wondering what the music in this trailer is called. It starts right after "A Core Design Production" comes up on the screen. Here is a link to the trailer.
  4. M

    The Sims 2 University

    I'm looking to ID this track. It was probably made for this trailer, or is in the game, but I don't know here it is:
  5. M


    I was wondering if someone could tell me if there was an unreleased Halo soundtrack you could download like the Beyond Good and Evil unreleased soundtrack we had a few months ago.