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    The Godfather Part III

    Near the end of Godfather Part III, when we see Michael having a flashback featuring him dancing with Apollonina, Mary and Kay and then we see him dying alone, a piece of classical music is used. Does anybody know the name of the piece? Thanks!
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    2007 Golden Globe Awards

    Does anyone know the name of the song that was played during the tribute to Warren Beatty at the Golden Globes? Thanks in advance.
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    Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures intro music

    Hi everyone, I was watching Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures, a documentary about his career, on television the other day. During the introduction, there is a very quick newspaper montage that shows how the media describes him as an eccentric director and such. In the background is a...
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    McCain International Pizza Greek

    Has anybody seen the McCain International Pizza commercial that features the Greek pizza? They were dancing to a traditional Greek song. Does anyone know the name of that song? Thanks in advance.
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    Women's gymnastic -- floor exercise routine music

    Did anyone watch the women's gymnastic event? I would like to know if anybody knows the song that gynmast Mohini Bhardwaj and Daniela Sofronie did their floor exercise. The song that Bhardwaj used sounds tribal and the one that Sofronie used is Spanish. Thanks. :)