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    The Invisible

    [SIZE=7]In the movie 'The Invisible' right after the Investigators leave Nick's house and Nick says "Mom, I'm dead," what is the song playing as he (Nick) is in the streets, watching the Semi drive down the road. The lyrics I caught are: "Can somebody help him, Lost and confused, He's been here...
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    "Drama Kids"

    I'm not sure if this should be in the movie soundtrack forum or what, but I can't exactly remember the part of the movie it was in. But none the less, the movie is Accepted. I am going to say it is the part when everyone finds out that the college is a fake and Barniby is walking and this song...
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    Rise Against Song

    I need to know what the song playing is that is on their website, before you "enter" and it is just an advertisement for their new album release in August. Here is the site:
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    Hollister Myspace Song

    Does anyone know this song..? It's on Hollister's myspace page. Here's the link: Hollister Myspace
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    Hollister Huntington Beach Lifeguard Tryout Song

    Yes. On the Hollister website under Cali Club, I watched this video about the Huntington Beach Lifeguard Try Outs and at the very end, there is this song playing in the background that I can't find. I know some of the lyrics: "We pack the truck but I couldn't watch you leave, I've wondered what...
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    Does anyone happen to know the theme song for the WB's series Summerland? All I know is, that is starts out, "When I see your smile, I know everything is ok.." but that's all I happen to know. Please help me, thank you. :(