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  1. E

    What are your favorite Video Game Soundtracks?

    Nobuo Uematso and the entire Final Fantasy series
  2. E

    G4 TechTV commercials

    Before and after shows..Sometimes in the middle (When they go to commercial break and come back) On G4-TechTV they have a picture of a person sitting down with thingies coming out of it. During that scene they have this really cool music. It sounds like techno and there's a woman vocalizing the...
  3. E

    Battlefield 1952

    you can get all the songs in the game by going in to <Hard disk>/<file game file is in>/Battlefield 1942/<it should be in here> then you can burn themall or just listen to them... Hope this helps! ;)
  4. E

    Coke Surfing

    yes i would like to know too :D