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    Need for Speed Carbon

    or its the 2nd one down showing the car lol obviously its hard to figure it out without any lyrics of any type, im not even positive its a song thats been released but its worth asking for, searched google and couldn't come up with...
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    LA Rush

    Does anyone know the song they play in the commercial for the new game LA Rush???
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    BET After Dark

    does anyone know the i guess theme song of BETs after dark show that comes on every night at 1 am, it sounds kind of like a piano but i dont think it is, ive been wanting this song forever help!! thanks
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    havent posted here in a long time :) anyways, i've been watching my favorite movie of all time, and am curious if anyone knows the name of the song at the before the race in germany takes place (after the racing through the city)
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    push it, push push push

    erm... who did this song i cant remember, i can only remember a few parts of the song "take it into overload.... push it, push push push" I wanna guess tube and berger in Straight with some remix, anyone know?
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    The Tuxedo

    does anyone know the songs from "the tuxedo" when jackie and jennifer where at "walter striders" party at his house. I think its 3 different songs, mostly only wondering which one is playing when jennifer was taken to "walter" to give him the suit.