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  1. M

    Oil of Olay

    They mention something about an eyelift, how you don't really need one or whatever, or shouldn't pay for one since this bottle of wonderful stuff works so much better, but that's hardly important since the whole time this really cool techno tune is playing. What is it?
  2. M

    TruValue Bring Your Garden Back To Life Sale

    Woman in garden (starts in black & white), takes dirt up with shovel, the grass around the hole starts spreading color around it, then the flower she puts in it, the silk on her hat... the hat blows off and hits the ground spreading more color and as she looks around the rest of the scenery is...
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    Looking for the song used in - will it could have been the Air Force? - a commercial where it starts with a boy throwing a paper airplane, then a foam one, then spinning one tied to a string, followed by a remote control one, and finally sitting in a booth as an officer flying a remote spy robot...
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    Farmer's Beaureau Insurance Commercial

    Shows guy leaning on car for a picture at the end... lyrics "it's wonderful, it's marvelous" playing in the background. The commercial starts with the same car travelling in reverse, magically lifting out of a body of water, then up the heigth of a cliff, through a fence to roll slowly back...